Richtlijnen Over de auteurs R.L. Diercks, namens de werkgroep multidisciplinaire richtlijn voorste kruisbandletsel: D.B.F. Saris1 , R.L. Diercks1 D.E. Meuffels1 T. W. Patt1 cher3 van der Hart2 Ploeger6 , M Poldervaart1 , A. van der Meer4 Goedhart5 , M.A. Pols6 , A.W.F.M. Fievez1 , C.P. , , , E.R. Hamma, E.A. , , S.B. Muller en A.F. Lenssen7. Vereniging (NOV)); 2 1Nederlandse Orthopaedische Nederlandse Vereniging voor Arthroscopie (NVA)); 3 Vereniging voor Heelkunde (NVvH)); 4 Vereniging van Vereniging voor Sportgeneeskunde (VSG)); 6 Orde van Medisch Specialisten; 7 Koninklijke Genootschap voor Fysiotherapie (KNGF). Revalidatieartsen (VRA)); 5 Nederlandse 2007;87(6):737-50. Epub 2007/04/20. 45. Perry MC, Morrissey MC, King JB, Morrissey D, Earnshaw P. Effects of closed versus open kinetic chain knee extensor resistance training on knee laxity and leg function in patients during the 8- to 14-week post-operative period after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2005;13(5):357-69. Epub 2005/01/29. 46. Tagesson S, Oberg B, Good L, Kvist J. A comprehensive rehabilitation program with quadriceps strengthening in closed versus open kinetic chain exercise in patients with anterior cruciate ligament defi ciency: a randomized clinical trial evaluating dynamic tibial translation and muscle function. Am J Sports Med. 2008;36(2):298-307. Epub 2007/10/18. 47. Andersson D, Samuelsson K, Karlsson J. Treatment of anterior cruciate ligament injuries with special reference to surgical technique and rehabilitation: an assessment of randomized controlled trials. Arthroscopy. 2009;25(6):653-85. Epub 2009/06/09. 48. Wright RW, Preston E, Fleming BC, Amendola A, Andrish JT, Bergfeld JA, et al. A systematic review of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction rehabilitation: part II: open versus closed kinetic chain exercises, neuromuscular electrical stimulation, accelerated rehabilitation, and miscellaneous topics. J Knee Surg. 2008;21(3):225-34. Epub 2008/08/09. 49. Trees AH, Howe TE, Dixon J, White L. Exercise for treating isolated anterior cruciate ligament injuries in adults. [Review] [56 refs]. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (4):CD005316, 2005 2005;(4):CD005316. 50.. Heijne A, Werner S. Early versus late start of open kinetic chain quadriceps exercises after ACL reconstruction with patellar tendon or hamstring grafts: a prospective randomized outcome study. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2007;15(4):402-14. Epub 2007/01/16. 51. Swirtun LR, Jansson A, Renstrom P. The effects of a functional knee brace during early treatment of patients with a nonoperated acute anterior cruciate ligament tear: a prospective randomized study. Clin J Sport Med. 2005;15(5):299-304. Epub 2005/09/16. 52. Lam RY, Ng GY, Chien EP. Does wearing a functional knee brace affect hamstring refl ex time in subjects with anterior cruciate ligament defi ciency during muscle fatigue? Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2002;83(7):1009-12. Epub 2002/07/05. 53. Lu TW, Lin HC, Hsu HC. Infl uence of functional bracing on the kinetics of anterior cruciate ligament-injured knees during level walking. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2006;21(5):517-24. Epub 2006/02/24. 54. Smith J, Malanga GA, Yu B, An KN. Effects of functional knee bracing on muscle-fi ring patterns about the chronic anterior cruciate ligament-defi cient knee. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2003;84(11):1680-6. Epub 2003/11/26. 55. Wright RW, Fetzer GB. Bracing after ACL reconstruction: a systematic review. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2007;455:162-8. Epub 2007/02/07. 56. Beynnon BD, Uh BS, Johnson RJ, Abate JA, Nichols CE, Fleming BC, et al. Rehabilitation after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a prospective, randomized, double-blind comparison of programs administered over 2 different time intervals. American Journal of Sports Medicine 2005 Mar;33(3):347-59. 34 Sport & Geneeskunde | juni 2012 | nummer 2 Pagina 33
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