Open Access Journal of Sports Medicine Over de auteurs Matthijs C de Bruijn1 Boudewijn J Kollen2 Frank Baarveld2 1 Center for Sports Medicine 2 Department of General Practice, University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, The Netherlands Correspondence: MC de Bruijn Center for Sports Medicine University Medical Center Groningen Hanzeplein 1, 9700 RB Groningen The Netherlands Tel +31 50 361 7700 Fax +31 50 361 7717 Email Disclosure The authors report no confl icts of interest in this work. References 1. Bernaards C, Toet H, Chorus A. Medical costs of being less active. In: Breedveld K, Kamphuis C, Tiessen-Raaphorst A, editors. Report on Sports. Social and Cultural Planning Offi ce. The Hague, The Netherlands: WJH Mulier Institute; 2008. Dutch. 2. Ooijendijk WTM, Jongert T, Stubbe J, Kloet S. Sports, exercise and health. In: Breedveld K, Kamphuis C, Tiessen-Raaphorst A, editors. Report on Sports. Social and Cultural Planning Offi ce. The Hague, The Netherlands: WJH Mulier Institute; 2008. Dutch. 3. Baarveld F, Visser CAN, Kollen BJ, Backx FJG. What is the role of the general practitioner in sports related injuries? huisarts en Wetenschap. 2010;53:601–604. Dutch. 4. Schmikli SL, Backx FJ, Kemler HJ, van Mechelen W. National survey on sports injuries in The Netherlands: target populations for sports injury prevention programs. Clin J Sport Med. 2009;19:101–106. 5. Schmikli SL, Schoots W, De Wit MJP. Sports injuries, a broad overview. Arnhem, The Netherlands: National Sports Centre Papenda; 2002. Dutch. 6. Valkenberg H, Donker W, Schoots W, Vriend I. Sports injuries in the general practice: registration, treatment and referral policy. Sport en Geneeskunde. 2010;2:6–14. Dutch. 7. Schoots W, Vriend I, Stam C, Kloet S. Sports injuries in The Netherlands: a new overview. Sport en Geneeskunde. 2009;42:16–23. Dutch. 8. Breedveld K, De Jong M, Stuij M. Monitoring/evaluation of sports policy by the Ministry of Health, Welfare, and Sports: interim report 2008. The Hague, The Netherlands: WJH Mulier Institute; 2008. Dutch. 9. Dutch Federation of Sports Medical Institutions. [Document FED 2034: patient contacts in sports medical institutions in 2010 in The Netherlands]. Bilthoven, The Netherlands: Dutch Federation of Sports Medical Institutions; 2011. Dutch. 10. Ministry of Health, Welfare, and Sports. [Ministerial note “Time for sports and exercise and to participate and to perform”]. The Hague, The Netherlands: Ministry of Health, Welfare, and Sports; 2005. Dutch 11. Baarveld F, Visser CAN, Kollen BJ, Backx FJG. Sports-related injuries in primary health care. Fam Pract. 2011;28:29–33. 12. Baarveld F. Sports related injuries in general practice. Dissaertation. Groningen, The Netherlands: University Medical Center Groningen; 2004. Dutch. 13. Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports. [To an active government policy to increase health with sports and exercise]. The Hague, The Netherlands: Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports; 2001. Dutch. 14. Burt CW, Overpeck MD. Emergency visits for sports-related injuries. Ann Emerg Med. 2001;37:301–308. 15. van Mechelen W. The severity of sports injuries. Sports Med. 1997;24: 176–180. 16. Lanting LC, Stam C. How often do we see sports injuries and what’s the severity of these injuries? Future Exploration of Public Health, National Health Compass. Bilthoven, The Netherlands: National Institute for Public Health and Environment; 2009. Dutch. 32 Sport & Geneeskunde | maart 2013 | nummer 1 Pagina 31
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