BJSM Over de auteurs uthor affiliations Jonathan A Drezner, Peter Fischbach,1,2 M Prutkin,6 Christian M Schmied,7 Jeffrey Anderson,11 Cannon,15 Euan Ashley,3 Domenico Corrado,16 Victor Froelicher,3 Sanjay Sharma,8 Chad A Asplund,12 John P DiFiori,17 Owens,6 Stephen Paul,19 Joseph Marek,4 Mathew G Wilson,9 Aaron L Baggish,13 Kimberly G Harmon,1 Jack C Salerno,20 Antonio Pelliccia,5 Jordan Michael John Ackerman,10 Mats Börjesson,14 Hein Heidbuchel,18 Ricardo Stein,21 Victoria L Vetter22 1Department of Family Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA 2Department of Pediatrics, Emory University School of Medicine, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia, USA 3Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, StanFord University School of Medicine, Palo Alto, California, USA 4Midwest Heart Foundation, Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois, USA 5Department of Medicine, Institute of Sport Medicine and Science, Rome, Italy 6Division of Cardiology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA 7Division of Cardiology, University Hospital Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland 8Department of Cardivascular Sciences, St. George’s University of London, London, UK 9Department of Sports Medicine, ASPETAR, Qatar Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Hospital, Doha, Qatar 10Divisions of Cardiovascular Diseases and Pediatric Cardiology, Departments of Medicine, Pediatrics, and Molecular Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA 11Department of Athletics, University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut, USA 12Department of Family Medicine, Eisenhower Army Medical Center, Fort Gordon, Georgia, USA 13Division of Cardiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 14Department of Cardiology, Swedish School of Sports and Health Sciences, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden 15Division of Cardiovascular Diseases, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA 16Department of Cardiac, Thoracic, and Vascular Sciences, University of Padua, Padua, Italy 17Division of Sports Medicine, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USA 18Department of Cardiovascular Sciences, University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium 19Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA 20Division of Cardiology, Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle, Washington, USA 21Cardiology Department, Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre, Brazil, Brazil 22Division of Cardiology, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Bryan C David S standardization and interpretation of the electrocardiogram: part V: electrocardiogram changes associated with cardiac chamber hypertrophy: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association Electrocardiography and Arrhythmias Committee, Council on Clinical Cardiology; the American College of Cardiology Foundation; and the Heart Rhythm Society: endorsed by the International Society for Computerized Electrocardiology. Circulation 2009;119:e251–61. 32 Corrado D, Biffi A, Basso C, et al. 12-lead ECG in the athlete: physiological versus pathological abnormalities. Br J Sports Med 2009;43:669–76. 33 Sohaib SM, Payne JR, Shukla R, et al. Electrocardiographic (ECG) criteria for determining left ventricular mass in young healthy men; data from the LARGE Heart study. J Cardiovasc Magn Reson 2009;11:2. 34 Sathanandam S, Zimmerman F, Davis J, et al. Abstract 2484: ECG screening criteria for LVH does not correlate with diagnosis of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Circulation 2009;120:S647. 35 Weiner RB, Hutter AM, Wang F, et al. Performance of the 2010 European Society of Cardiology criteria for ECG interpretation in the athlete. Heart 2011;97:1573–7. 36 Ryan MP, Cleland JG, French JA, et al. The standard electrocardiogram as a screening test for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Am J Cardiol 1995;76:689–94. -OPROEPOproep Wetenschappelijke proefschriften / tijdschriftartikelen TulipMed Prijs voor Sportgeneeskunde 2013 Wetenschap loont! De Vereniging voor Sportgeneeskunde wil middels de TulipMed Prijs voor Sportgeneeskunde het wetenschappelijk onderzoek op het gebied van de sportgeneeskunde in de ruimste zin, bevorderen. Er wordt een prijs uitgeloofd voor het beste wetenschappelijke artikel (€ 500,-) en het beste proefschrift (€ 2750,-) uit 2012. Wetenschappelijke proefschriften en wetenschappelijke tijdschriftartikelen met praktische relevantie voor de sportgeneeskunde en welke voldoen aan de inclusiecriteria, kunt u vóór 1 juni 2013 in tienvoud versturen naar: Vereniging voor Sportgeneeskunde t.a.v. de Jury van de TulipMed Prijs voor Sportgeneeskunde Postbus 52 3720 AB BILTHOVEN Voor de beoordelingsprocedure en –criteria kunt u terecht op 34 Sport & Geneeskunde | mei 2013 | nummer 2 Pagina 33

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