We recommend repeating this survey in several years, preferably after the current Olympiad (2012-2016). Based on our experiences with this survey we recommend some improvements for future repeats: • targeting an even greater group of experts, to create a more representative sample size. This could be realised by: - inviting more experts; - simplifying the questionnaire (higher response); - adding more research-partners with additional networks, preferably from outside of Europe or Australia. • another recommendation is expand the scope of the survey. This implies stretching the research to additional sports and other parties involved in the innovation process, such as: - include innovations in other sports, for example winter sports and Paralympic sports; - include companies and government experts in survey. • a third recommendation for future research would be to deepen the knowledge on how the process of sport innovations works. For example: - What are success or fail factors when it comes to sport innovations? - When do sport innovations lead to commercial success? We invite readers to participate or share their thoughts with us by sending an email to: sportinnovation@han.nl. SPORT & INNOVATION: A SUCCESS STORY? 51 Pagina 50

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