
4.5 Olympic innovation For each of the innovations mentioned by the experts we asked the extent to which the innovation was adopted by the sporting world at the London 2012 Olympics. Of all innovations mentioned, fifteen percent were not noted, which may indicate that they were not used in the 2012 Olympics. For the innovations that were used in relation to the London 2012 Olympics, a quarter had been adopted by 25 countries of more. For 45 percent of the innovations five countries or less had a possible competitive advantage by using the innovation, with 22 percent of all innovations being only available (or used) by a single country. 22 23 15 15 25 Figure 4.3 Number of countries that have adopted the innovation. 1 country 2-5 countries 6-10 countries 1-25 countries More than 25 countries 4 FROM IDEA TO SUCCESS 38 Pagina 37

Pagina 39

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